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Our Story

Korea 2020
"Welcome to our story! We met in Australia back in 2017 while we were both traveling. Little did we know that our paths would cross and we would end up finishing our travels together.

We decided to come back to England with our two furry friends and start a chapter in our lives. In 2022 our little boy Ren came along and made our life complete. We can't wait to share more of our journey with you!"

Exploring Flavour's

Chef K has been crafting culinary masterpieces for 14 years. After honing his sushi skills in Japan, he continued to innovate and create delightful flavour's in Australia.


Myra's is a Korean and Japanese restaurant serving up a delightful fusion of flavours, step through the door and embark on a culinary journey to the heart of Korea and Japan where every bite is a passport to authentic flavours in the heart of Dorchester.

Our mission is to bring the comforting essence and rich culture of Korean cuisine to your plate, ensuring you'll return for more. 

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